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Company Profile

Jiangsu Xinda Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive construction enterprise focusing on industrial manufacturing and public buildings. Founded in 2006, the company is headquartered in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, the beautiful bank of Taihu Lake and the Bank of Lihu lake. At present, the company has the general contracting qualification for Electromechanical, construction, municipal public utilities, petrochemical and other engineering construction, and the professional contracting qualification for electromechanical installation, electronics and intelligence, decoration, fire-fighting facilities, steel structure, environmental protection, urban and road lighting, waterproof, anti-corrosion and thermal insulation, Special qualifications for engineering design such as building intelligence and building decoration, multiple licenses for pressure pipeline and vessel installation and medical device operation, and continuously passed the three in one management system certification of "ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001".

With a registered capital of 108 million yuan, the company has 8 functional departments, 2 business centers, 1 implementation center, 3 professional branches for decoration, intellectualization and construction general contracting, 2 comprehensive electromechanical branches, and 5 subsidiaries such as design consulting, intelligent technology, testing and verification, processing and manufacturing and material trade, covering an area of about 5000 square meters.

The company has always been committed to the general contracting project construction of high-tech industries such as food pharmacy, integrated circuit, flat panel display, national defense science and industry, energy lithium battery, photoelectric optical fiber, medical and health, machinery manufacturing and scientific research laboratory, so as to provide ultra clean, constant temperature, low humidity, energy conservation and environmental protection for all industries Overall facility system solutions required by special.

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