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Construction and Project Management
Project Management
Jiangsu Xinda follows the scientific management rules and management mode. The company leadership, quality supervision department, project management department and project implementation department form a set of standardized management system of project pre-control, process control and strict self-inspection, examination and rectification. Progress, quality, safety and environmental management are implemented at all levels.
Engineering Quality
Construction quality is the life of construction companies, the company pay attention to every stage of construction, every detail, the refinement of the management is reflected in every part of the construction process and strict process control.
Progress Control
Develop a scientifically rigorous schedule node plan that breaks down into detailed monthly, weekly, and daily plans. And supplemented by careful people, machines, materials deployment, to ensure the implementation of the planned plan.
EHS Management
"People-oriented", so that every employee consciously become the health, environment, security measures, the implementer and supervisor.

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