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The 2024 Spring Festival Annual Conference was successfully held
News | 2024-1-30 | Views: 1052
Yutu bid farewell to the old year, and Weilong welcomes the new year. On the evening of January 27, 2024, Xinda Construction held the 2024 New Year Conference with the theme of "Unity, Building Dreams and Moving Forward". The company sincerely invites excellent partners such as suppliers and subcontractors to come from all directions and gather with all colleagues to jointly open a new chapter in 2024.

It depends on the sailor to sail in the sea. It depends on the sun for everything to grow.. Chairman Yang Dongqiang, the leader and chief designer of the company's development, delivered an enthusiastic New Year speech. On behalf of the company's management team, he extends his sincerest gratitude and best wishes to the suppliers, subcontractors, and other partners who have long supported the company's development, as well as to all colleagues and families who have accompanied the company's common development! The speech not only affirmed the hard-earned achievements made in 2023, but also encouraged everyone to recognize the new situation, explore new ideas, respond to new challenges, solve new problems, unite for development, build dreams, and make new achievements in the new year.

Set an example as a mirror and align with excellence. At the annual meeting, the company commended individuals and teams who performed outstandingly in their work for the year 2023. The awards recognized this year are: Marketing Champion Award, Excellent Project Manager Award, Excellent Employee Award, Best Newcomer Award, and China Installation Star Team Award.

The annual meeting features a special showcase and lucky draw segment. Latin dance performance, solo singing, music recitation... The programs selected by various departments make the annual meeting more exciting. The passionate performance on the stage and the wonderful interaction off the stage jointly convey the good voice of Xinda.

Farewell to the old year and look forward to the new year, we are full of confidence and practical actions; Farewell the old and welcome the new, build dreams and move forward. We unite and strive to be the first. Wishing everyone a bright future in the new year.


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